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Snuggle Bunny (lily & jack)


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The ultimate self-soother to calm and settle your little one!

Made for bedtime, the Original Snuggle Bunny is the perfect snuggle toy for your baby or toddler. The softest fleece, combined with silky satin or cotton ears, makes this tactile bunny comforter an absolute must-have!

Some reasons why EVERY baby deserves a Lily ‘n Jack Snuggle Bunny :

  • Safety tested in Europe to meet international toy safety standards – check for the “CE” tag sewn into every bunny.
  • Filled with hypoallergenic unicurl, the bunny is able to retain mom’s scent after sleeping with it for a night or two – a comfort when baby is learning to fall asleep on their own.
  • The bunny is lightweight (+- 100 grams) and is completely free of embellishments
  • Proudly endorsed by sleep therapists and baby development expert, Meg Faure (megfaure.com)

Caramel with Floral Cotton, Caramel with floral satin, Caramel with White Satin, Grey with White Satin, White with Black Satin, White with white satin

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